Saturday, March 3, 2012


Remember I mentioned I was doing this February Photo-A-Day Challenge? I did it, each and every day. If you are on Instagram you can see each one. I am PeachyTuesday on there.

Anyhoo...I did it and I figured I'd do it again. So March has begun and I have posted. Today, the subject was "Your Neighborhood" I walked outside into mine, and used the Hipstamatic app to shoot. I switched film & lenses and had a good ole time. I came back with a ton of photos that were making me happy. Husband asks "How far did you WALK?" I said not even a know how I like to get up close...and I do. Here's a sampling. I haven't posted one for today because I seriously cannot. decide....maybe this post will help with that.
This sidewalk chalk has made it though months of rain. love it.
oh Cherry Blossoms You will line my street and be pretty, but you smell so gross.
brick sidewalks, you are so slippy in winter but you look so cool.
love how all the road patching looks here.
I think this is almost my Favorite...
Ava says this one looks like Lasers.
City Living. Old dirty Bus Route street bricks.

If you want to see more of my March Photo A Day photos follow me on Instagram or eventually they'll wind up in this Set on my Flickr Page. Have a Peachy Day!


  1. love the photos jen! I still have to get out and get my photo for today :) yours are very inspirational!

  2. Thank You brooke! So happy you are doing it too. It's fun!


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