Sunday, February 26, 2012

Read Across America

Here's the deal, It's Read Across America Week? month? I don't know exactly...but my girl's school has something going each day for it. Wednesday is "Wear a Shirt you can Read" day...they were going to wear some screen printed glitter barfed thing I am sure. I preferred to use the reading Keith mixed some Textile paint medium with some acrylic craft paint and we used stencils to make our words.

Our girls both love to read, We have read to them nightly since they were newborns. We still read to them nightly and they also read silently before going to sleep, for about 30 minutes depending on the day. I never read much as a kid, and don't now (I know not good) I am proud that I have helped to change that pattern to head in a more positive direction for my own children.

but...its not all wonderful parenting triumphs in this post...In full disclosure, Ruby had a what I'll term a "9 year old breakdown" over it all...there were tears, much arguing, calling this shirt painting idea 'Stupid!' but alas, she loves her coral "Today's Reader Tomorrow's Leader" shirt now (oh thank you for that Pinterest I'd link to it but apparently Pinterest is experiencing technical difficulties at the moment). Good grief this seriously challenging to *this momma* And her Dad too, for that matter. Seriously challenging.

Here are the pictures...Oh, yea I had to make one of my tanks all wordy lil homage to an Anti-Flag tune that the whole family loves. and that Peace Sign, was a total oopsy, I was in the midst of arguing with the aforementioned 9 year old and painted an "H" instead of an "O" so I did the "O" over top of it, still looked like janky crap, so I made it into a peace sign. And you never woulda known...but just like when I used hydrogenated pre-made icing on my cupcakes I must disclose this sort of thing. It's who I am.

This is the tune to be exact. I actually have a video of them playing it, from June, but this one is better than mine. I love that these guys play teeny small venues like this one (and the one from my video) as well as huge gagillion people stadiums and such, all over the world.

So, there you have it punk rock and Read Across America all on one super quick blog post. Gotta love how my mind works....

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