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Friday, August 20, 2010

Take A Positive Moment -3

School Shopping today. Each girl needed shoes. Ava needed sneakers.  At one point, exhausted after kid clothing & shoe shopping at Target, I sat on the floor in the shoe department of Kohl's. I was surfing my phone to find some blasted shiny looking pink and purple velcro chucks in a size 11. I was surrounded by multiple open shoe boxes, tissue and plastic bits all around me. Ruby was prancing back and forth modeling various boots and Ava was trying on high heels in sizes way too big.

Anyway, that moment was pretty hilarious and for them at least, positively carefree. I am sure I looked like a loser Mom but it was fun so meh. No one was crying or whining (except maybe me inside my head damning Converse for not making these shoes in sizes beyond 10...)

So the shoes we settled on were the same colors, but had awfully cheap elastic in lieu of laces. This garbage was not going to fly on my kids feet. Those thin strips of elastic have been cut off. REAL Laces have been installed. Now lets find Mommy a present for all that hard work she did today, or at least think of what we'd give her if we could today!

Here's a pretty Mommy would love, Sweet Pea Upcycled Brooch Necklace by Bee Vintage Redux 

I wish you many positive moments my friend. take good care.

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