Monday, August 23, 2010

Take a Positive Moment 8-23-10

This morning I spent far too long on the telephone with Dish Network. I needed to make a simple change to our channel lineup to save a little money. After all was said and done Dish had stolen $5 and over an HOUR of my morning from me! They successfully raised my blood pressure, gave me heart palpitations, a tight throat and shaking hands. I know, I let my emotions get the best of me. Currently, that's how I roll. I do not react well to injustice. The issues were all derived from their paperwork mistake yet I was the one that wound up paying in more ways than one.

I ranted through email to my husband about this ordeal. He Replied:
"$5? Wow, I didn’t realize unchecking a box in a computer program required $5 worth of time. They always treat down-graders like shit, Comcast does the same thing. They purposely fill that department with asshats."

I read this moments before rushing out of the house to run the errands I should have started running an hour sooner. I laughed aloud. Anxieties melted. Thank you dear, ever comical, husband. Thank you for using the word Asshats. Typing it just now makes me laugh again.

Laughter, that too is how I roll these days. Laugh about it, and it'll melt away. It may refreeze and tense you up again later, but for now let's just melt it. So today's positive moment was shoveled out of extreme negative with the word Asshats and some laughter.

So, I chose to pick a hat to feature today. NOT an Asshat. An awesome hat. A hat I may want to add to my fall wardrobe soon. Blushing Modern Cloche Hat By Kjelsty's. How appropriate that this model is looking a little silly like someone just told her something to make some anxiety melt away.

I wish you many positive moments my friend. take good care.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Jen, for making me smile. I've been dealing with asshats today, too.


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