Thursday, August 26, 2010


As usual I made a tall order for myself. Writing about a positive moment was that order. Truth is, I have had positive moments galore the past few days, as we all do. I probably missed most of them. See, I've been floundering. I've been soul searching, wondering, wandering, and all this brain churning has kept me rather distracted over the past few days. I don't bet that will change anytime soon. When I say soon I mean, like, tomorrow. See, when this happens to my brains it is energy sucking. Hopefully what is drawn from all of it will be a HUGE positive moment to share.


I have to be honest though, don't count on it! I'll be sure to share some little thing that is positive if I can stop the constant wrangle of thoughts and figures and possibilities and worry for enough time to write it down and find a cool handmade item to put with it.

For today I found these two pieces I could not decide which to post I just love them both. First (above) is To Be Brave

And this is an original, In The Sea both pieces by Mac Chevrette 

I wish you many positive moments my friend. take good care.


  1. Hang in there sweetie. I still go through those moments ~ even at 53! Plotting, planning, figuring, dreaming, worrying, fretting, fussing ..... It's always best to walk the walk on the positive side even if your not feeling it because it seems to help things turn around faster :-) ((hugs)) rosie

  2. I hear you, Jen. I have been feeling the same exact way...but we are all here for you so we can go through it together :)

  3. You are a strong beautiful woman. I know you will find your voice. I am here to support whatever that may be.

  4. Thank you all for these kind comments, and thanks for reading. I felt like todays post was more of a journal entry, not one that normally would have been "public" but I figured, why not? I hope it was helpful to hear others feel the same Brooke;)


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