Monday, January 9, 2012

New Hair Accessory Shapes for 2012

New Scale Shape, large size

New Bow Shaped Clip Listed Here
I've been working hard the past few weeks making and making lots of hair things to replenish from my wonderful Holiday Season. I thank each and every person for helping support my business this year. I am elated that so many people like to wear my hair doo dads.

I wanted to do a few new shapes this year, so I drew them up and started making accessories using my new patterns just a few weeks ago. I thought I'd share them here so you can see what's to come.

No worries I am still using the old shapes too, haven't decided to retire any *just yet*

Find this little Gem here
Heart-new 2012 Shape This one can be found here
A new Sitting Bird. On Etsy & local shops soon.
I loved this Vintage Fabric bow So Much, I had to keep it!
I call this one the "Scale" shape, there are two sizes. This is the smaller size. This headband can be found at My Aunt Debbie
Larger Fan Shape This, too is at My Aunt Debbie
Goofy Moon Shape
ha! the story behind this moony I wanted to do a "mermaid tail" and it just looked, well, like crap/weird/ morphed into this. What do you think?
And one Final Bow...just because it's so girlie and pretty and stuff. (perfect for Valentine's Day)

You can see more New 2012 Hair accessories I've made on my Flickr Page Here.

Have a Peachy Day!

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