Saturday, September 4, 2010

Positive Moments 9-4-10

I was nearly prepared to plant my weary butt on the sofa for some Intervention episodes via DVR when I realized I want to document this wonderfully positive moment today.

My oldest Daughter and I, at times, lock horns. She's only 7 but she can be, argumentative, emotional, silently sensitive to organic things that may be just slightly off kilter, non-stop linguistically and whew-- stubborn. We call her our little attorney. She seriously argues about things she probably really does agree with. And --sigh-- she is more like me than at times I'd like to admit.

I struggle some days to find calm moments that she will cherish. Ruby is an extremely creative, thoughtful, mature, intelligent, diligent human. She is such a wonderful kid. I am beyond lucky to have a child like her. I know this. I remind myself of this every day, all day.

When I say we struggle I mean, It's not always easy. She is 100% angel at school, for babysitters, and family members. She saves the true blue Ruby Tuesday for her parents. (yea, that is where part of my shop/blog name came from --a nick name we use)

When she gets in trouble we know a BIG argument will ensue. No simple argument will do. We will need to dive deep into depths no 7 year old dreams, to analyze why exactly she did goof around with that taco for the 15th time, landing it on the floor... I smile as I type this, but when I am in the throws of her 'advanced comminication functions' it certainly feels less than smiley. It makes me proud and irritated all in the same breath. She is such a good kid.

I can't blame her at all...the kid likes justice. When she thinks something is unfair she will certainly let you know every bit of the way around why she thinks we are seeing it wrongly.

Tonight Ruby and I played a game, just the two of us, Mancala. I chuckle as I type this, because, initially when I was considering posting this I was remembering the word Mandala. (I am AWFUL terrible and very bad with names) I looked up Mandala and was like wow this is perfect!! But when I double checked myself, I relized it was ManCala. Nonetheless, a super fun game for Mommy and Ruby to play. We both really enjoyed two rounds of it, she totally beat me both times. She was feeling those good easy moments I strive for her to get each day and that made me so happy.

Such a positive moment.

I found a great Etsy Shop that makes Mancala games out of reclaimed wood. Mr Hudon makes beautiful wood pieces for sale in his etsy shop, like this Apple Box, it is very close to that season folks...give it a look!

I wish you many positive moments my friend.
Take good care.


  1. Jen, your blog has really "blossomed" lately. You should feel proud of your 'positive moments' project because it is really inspiring. You're doing some really awesome stuff.

  2. Recognizing the positive side in every situation is a trait I learned from my mother. It took me a long time to realize the freedom you find from being positive. Ruby will learn this from you as well :)

  3. thanks for commenting ladies. I thank you both it's encouraging to hear what people think of my blog:)

  4. Seems like only yesterday my 2 daughters were beating me at Mancala, 7 becomes 27 before you know it. Nice post, and I want to Thank you for featuring my shop.

  5. you are VERY welcome:) My father is a woodworker as well, I can appreciate quality made pieces like yours a great deal


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