Friday, September 10, 2010

Positive Moments 9-10-10

I am one of those lucky people that can fall asleep extremely easily. I am known to fall asleep for juuuust about every movie Blockbuster sends to us. I can sleep though my husbands and my own alarm, along with other things normal folks are awoken from. I value my sleep like I do food. It's very important for my mental health for me to sleep an adequate amount. 6 hours minimum. 8 preferred (almost never attained).  This week was our first back-to-school. It was also the beginning of some added exercise for myself. By today, Friday I am wicked sleepy. We are all tired in the Hartman house. Only lucky me gets to take a nap though! And today I nervously set my alarm to awaken me promptly 15 minutes beyond the time it was when I set it. Oh yea, forgot to mention I am a proponent of the power nap. It totally works for me. It's nice since I can basically fall asleep once I am horizontal, and if I am not into that deep sleep an alarm can still wake me up. So, I did that. When my alarm beeped I was tempted to snooze it. I did not, knowing my two little ladies needed me to walk to pick them up from school! I am never ever ever late for that. ever. Once I was out of my bed I felt amazingly better. All refreshed and ready for the rest of my day and night activities.

So today I found the perfect shirt to announce to all the world my love of naps. I think this shirt could be interpreted many ways, probably an excellent Mommy Day gift, shower gift. And actually the Bold Banana on Etsy makes all kindsa cool tees so if you want to keep YOUR napping habit a secret maybe another top would suit you better. Halloween is coming, here's a neato Frankenstein shirt...

I wish you many positive moments 
(and good sleep)
Take care.

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