Regardless of the reasoning, I have kept our brushes and combs in this empty Clorox Wipes container for a time now. I have long been looking at it in disgust at it's white plain-ness. Today I needed to change our shower curtain liner, so I changed the shower curtain as well, (to hot pink we have multiple fabric curtains, doesn't everyone??) I then found dark purple satin leopard print curtains in the same bin the curtain was stored inside. I decided to hang These as well.
It was time for plain boring white plastic Clorox container to be adorned.
You can do this, make yourself a wand holder, pencil holder (use icing container instead) Keep the box from your spinach and make a cutesy bin for stuffs.
It's totally fun, super quick. Just get out your glue gun. You do have one, right? you should. They are the most fun of all guns. seriously.
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