(the one in the previous link is like, my dream studio, the color, the set up...it would be perfect for moi;)
I adore looking at these spaces. I love looking at any room all nice, organized, pretty and
i n s p i r i n g
I will have a studio one day, when our girls have completely outgrown their attic playroom.
I know, I know they NEVER play way up in their adorably decorated attic playroom. Truth be told, they have too many flippin' toys (all grandparents' fault) so, lots of the overflow are stored in the attic, shall we say "play" room. I would just not have enough room up there, nor would I enjoy or feel inspired with an overfilled stuffed animal net hanging above my head.
And... well, I like being near my family members when I work, I mean it certainly is a bonus of working at home. I love working alone as well, with music, late at night while Keith is busy being geeky with his PC gaming addiction. But I cannot accomplish and produce what I need to only working on it at night.
...so...for now... maybe find a little bit of comedy watching this short video on a day I am in creating mode...with my makeshift studio space...
I basically just keep everything put away, in my cabinet most of the time and drag it all back out
ReplyDeleteYou're so funny! I hope you're not talking about my recent studio photo blog post! Haha! Notice that I only showed one work table? If I had scanned the room, you'd have seen a mess that puts yours to shame.
Keep up the great work... may your chaos bring you great inspiration!
And if you have any idea where I might have misplaced my scissors let me know! Or come over and help me dig through all the random piles of papers, glue bottles, paper cutters and miscellaneous junk! :)
hee hee! you were one of the bloggers...
ReplyDeletehonestly there were several over the past few weeks. And it's nice to see others work spaces. I really do love that. I do clean up when I am done making stuff for the night (man! I wouldn't have to if I had my own room?)
I *always* lose my fabric scissors, recently bought a dual pack thinking If I have three I'll never lose them. I'm Still frequently heard saying "WHERE are my scissors!?!?" husband responding "you ALWAYS lose your scissors"
hey, I see your scissors! right there, by your sewing machine!! 8^D
ReplyDelete.... Jenny, maybe you should make a movie and we can help you find your scissors 8^)
{ I have actually been saving up to get the big magnet strip you wall mount and then just smack yer scissors on there when you're done... I have troubles keeping track of seam rippers and measuring tapes...}
That is a very clean and tidy looking crafty land IMO!
lol! i love it jen. i think that if we are all being honest our studios are all that way at some time. i have pictures posted of my dining room, but that is only on a clean day. i love how real your video is! thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteDianne, My Grandma Myrtle (and sewing teacher) had a heavy duty magnet strip like that! I completely forgot and your comment reminded me, thanks:)
ReplyDeleteWendy, yes, real it was. I often grab my camera and start documenting to vent mostly. later I can download and chuckle to myself. It really works for me. In this case, I was like, hey I could use this for a blog post!