Saturday, November 21, 2009

Magical Christmas Beans

Ruby and Ava's first preschool year was spent in a classroom complete with a sand table that was filled with beans in lieu of sand. It was a huge success. The kids loved it. Ava talked about it constantly. It occurred to me this was a very simple toy to quickly construct at home. So we did.

You can too. Or Santa can?

You need a nice sized plastic bin, such as, an under-the-bed style. I liked having a lid for clean up ease. Our bean "table" is really just a bin but we put it on top of one of the girls little tables, creating a nice level to play in. If you want to go all out, purchase a sand table, and fill it with beans. I am sure a water table will work too. One thing to watch out for with those two options; the drainage hole. If that were to open up you're going to have a lot of beans on the floor. Not that you won't have some stray beans on the floor with any option. (consider your self warned, but honestly it's not a messy toy in my home)

My girls picked about 20 bags of various dried beans at the grocery store and were very excited to fill it. We add a bag of beans from time to time. It's a good bribe tool at the grocery store. "If you are patient while I shop I'll let you pick a bag of beans for your table" much healthier than other sugary bribery options we Moms/Dads have.

My girls use their play kitchen dishes/utensils and play in these beans for many calm quiet moments of Mommy's life. Actually... I enjoy playing in the beans with them too, it can be relaxing to watch beans sift through your fingers. Bonus!

When we are ready to clean up, we simply put the lid on and store the bin. I keep it on top of my kitchen cabinets. Not my favorite storage area but I don't have many closets.

So as Christmas approaches, maybe a stocking filled with bags of beans? Maybe not. You can decide the best delivery of the beans.

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